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Boost Your Brand With Badges!

What Are Badges?

Badges will show what you are qualified to teach, there are 7 badges to collect (foundation, teens, kids, sports, meditation, pregnancy, Thai & Ayurvedic massage). If a member has graduated from a registered course, a badge will be displayed on their profile to show they are qualified. 

When a badge is clicked on, the user will be redirected to the course the member graduated from. This will give them more information on the course and they'll see all of the graduates!

More Traffic

The badge redirects to your course, thus more people will see your profile!


You have the opportunity to create your own custom badge.


Your graduates are linked with a badge allowing them to stay in touch.

Do I Need To Do Anything?

All you have to do is import your graduate lists! You can easily find this as a button on your dashboard. Once you have added your graduates to the course they will receive a certificate from us and if they decide to join as a teacher, their badge will display on their profile. 

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