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Black Lives Matter.

To the yoga community,

First of all, I would like to explain why it has taken me until now to write the following. It is not out of apathy for the abhorrent acts that are being committed toward black people the world over, nor is it out of ignorance for the discrimination, inequality and racial injustice that pervades the yoga industry. 

Instead of rushing out with an opinion, a defence, a new take or marketing statement, I felt a need to listen before speaking, to digest the news and information before me. Before adding more to the conversation, and risk detracting from the voices of POC, I have spent the last few weeks educating myself and learning how to do better, how to be an ally. 

As an organisation, we have been holding discussions, sharing resources, and taking private action to do what we can to support the Black Lives Matter movement. For Yoga Alliance Professionals, this has felt the most genuine action to take. 

The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylors demonstrate the systemic racism that exists in our societies. It is not something that can be solved by a post on social media. To make lasting, worthy change requires long-term action, education and changes to current policies. 

This is why we have created a list of educational resources on our social media pages and website that we have been reading, or have been suggested to us, for anyone who wishes to inform themselves about the entrenched racist structures that we inhabit. We will be regularly updating this page with new resources or information.

We would also like to re-direct our member’s attention to the Code of Practice, which specifies the following:

  • Encourage diversity actively by respecting all students regardless of age, physical limitations, race, creed, gender, ethnicity, religious affiliation, or sexual orientation
  • Respect the rights, dignity, and privacy of all students
  • Avoid words and actions that constitute bullying and/or sexual harassment

We have not, or will not, always get it right, but we have to be willing to change and do the work. 

Black Lives Matter, they always have and they always will. 

Please join us in this change.

Find a list of education resources here.